CMS Just Announced Medicare Reimbursement for Treat no Transport and Alternative Destinations

Moments ago, at a firehouse near the US Capitol, top leaders at HHS and CMS announced that for the first time ever Medicare reimbursement will be available for certain non-transport ambulance services and for ambulance transports to alternate destinations

PWW partners Steve Wirth and Ryan Stark attended today's announcement, and are gathering more details about the new model program from key government stakeholders. 

What's Happening?
CMS's Innovative Center is rolling out a new model program, the Emergency Triage, Treat and Transport (ET3) Model that makes it possible for participating ambulance suppliers and providers to partner with qualified health care practitioners to provide treatment without transport and with alternative destination sites such as primary care doctors' offices or urgent-care clinics.  The Model will also encourage development of medical triage lines for low acuity 911 calls in regions where participating ambulance suppliers and providers operate.

Here's What We Know Now:

  • CMS is anticipating a start date of early 2020
  • The Model will apply only to agencies that respond to 911 calls
  • Ambulance agencies currently enrolled as Medicare providers can apply to participate beginning this summer
  • This is a voluntary program- reimbursement under the standard ambulance fee schedule won't change for now
  • Participating EMS agencies will need to track designated quality metrics

What's Coming?
CMS will announce more details shortly- such as how to participate and how to code for these services.

PWW is monitoring the latest developments and will bring them to you at abc360 this spring!