Speaking Engagements

ZOLL Summit

Doug Wolfberg and Steve Wirth will be presenting the following topics at this year's ZOLL Summit in Denver Colorado on May 8-10, 2018:

May 8 - Doug Wolfberg

This Just In!  Horrific EMS Headlines & How to Avoid Being Tomorrow's Viral Lead Story 

The Lost Art of Writing a Compelling Clinical Narrative 

May 9 - Steve Wirth

Dealing with Denial and Rejection:  Best Practices for Handling Medicare and Other Appeals

May 10 - Steve Wirth

Missouri Ambulance Association Leadership Seminars

Ryan Stark will be the main speaker at the Missouri Ambulance Association's Management Training, part of MMA's Leadership Seminars, on September 21st in Lake of the Ozarks.  Click HERE for additional information and registration.

Contact Karen Kreider at kkreider@pwwemslaw.com to invite one of PWW's attorneys or consultants to speak at your event!
