Speaking Engagements

EMS Documentation Workshop - St. Elizabeth Healthcare, Kentucky

St. Elizabeth Healthcare has partnered with the National EMS Law Firm Page, Wolfberg & Wirth. LLC to provide a unique educational opportunity for our EMS partners in care.  This full-day workshop will include the following topics, presented by Doug Wolfberg, Esq.:  Dynamic EMS Documentation / EMS Law (Refusals, Negligence, Consents) / Case Studies / ER Diversions / How to Cope with Changes in EMS.  The registration fee is $40.  NAAC CEUs will be available.

EMS Coding and Documentation with PWW, LLC

ICD-10 Coding, Documentation Skills Workshop and Advanced Internal Auditing

The morning session will include a documentation workshop designed for all EMS providers, while the afternoon session will focus on administrative functions.

Thursday, 2/18/2016
Time: 8:00AM - 4:00PM

08:00am - 12:00pm Documentation Skills Workshop
12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm - 2:00pm ICD-10 Implementation
2:15pm - 3:45pm Advanced Internal Auditing

EMS Documentation Workshop

St. Elizabeth Healthcare has partnered with the National EMS Law Firm Page, Wolfberg & Wirth. LLC to provide a unique educational opportunity for our EMS partners in care.  This full-day workshop will include the following topics, presented by Doug Wolfberg, Esq.:  Dynamic EMS Documentation / EMS Law (Refusals, Negligence, Consents) / Case Studies / ER Diversions / How to Cope with Changes in EMS.  The registration fee is $40.  NAAC CEUs will be available.

EMS World Expo

Doug Wolfberg and Steve Wirth will be presenting the following topics on September 17th at the 2015 EMS World Expo in Las Vegas:  Liability in EMS:  A National Review, Dollars and Doctors:  The Medical Director's Critical Role in Reimbursement Compliance and CDI:  Clinical Documentation Improvement in EMS.  For additional information and registration, visit:  http://emsworldexpo.com/.
